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Working Party on
Synthetic Pathways and Processes in Green Chemistry


MINUTES of the Meeting in Venise, 17-18 Oct. 98

Attendees: P. Tundo, T. Collins, J. Miyamoto, G. Martens, M. Poliakoff, P. Anastas, J. Breen, W. Tumas

There was a two day meeting of the IUPAC working group following the OECD Workshop on Sustainable Chemistry in Venice Italy (see report from the OECD Workshop). The main purpose of the meeting was to define the products of working group. A number of key issues were discussed and decisions were made on what the technical products of the working group would be. A key target is to have a cogent product (report or progress report) for the IUPAC general assembly meeting (Berlin, August, 1999).

Key Dates:

General Action items:

  • Tundo, Miyamoto: ID other IUPAC initiatives on green-sustainable chemistry and mechanisms for avoiding duplication of work (CHEMRAWN, Sub-Committee on Synthesis).
  • All members to send email correspondence to Tundo who will collate, coordinate and disseminate to working group.
  • specific items below

The meeting focused on an extensive discussion of what the products of the working group should be and within what timeframe they should be accomplished. Six products were identified as key elements of the working group. The goal of these products was two-fold:

  1. to communicate green or sustainable chemistry concepts more broadly to the chemical community (industry and academia) and
  2. to enhance the image of chemistry to the broader community through a more laymen-type publication.

The main motivation of these products arise from what needs to be done to promote green chemistry and how to show that it is a new worldwide approach distinct from other concepts for environmental protection. These products are apparently very important to advance the global nature of this concept, given the important issues at the OECD workshop. The working group agreed that they needed to help define the general concept of green-sustainable chemistry to ensure that leading scientists are attracted to the area.

1. Proposal to IUPAC for an issue (either a white book or a symposium-in-print-advantages of both discussed). (Introduction by P. Anastas and J. Miyamoto)

Key elements of proposal to include:
  • purpose (i.e. what the issue would be about)
  • motivation (i.e. why such an issue is necessary and timely)
  • table of contents (details on scope and breadth of issue)

2. IUPAC White Book or Symposium-in-Print (details and recommendation to follow below)

Action items:

  • Tundo to get email of minutes and outline of IUPAC White book to working group members
  • Working group members to add suggestions and potential authors to outline of IUPAC White Book

3. Scientific American Article. There was considerable discussion on the value of more general article, written for a wide circulation periodical (options included one or more of the following: Scientific American, New Scientist, Nature, C&E News, etc.). There was strong agreement that such an article would be best written by a professional technical writer. Further discussion led to a decision that such a person would be given the IUPAC white book and asked to put together a cogent article.

Action items:

  • Investigate potential writers (Tumas, Poliakoff by Nov 5)
  • Inquire of Scientific American as to possibility and timeframe for an article (Collins by Nov 15)
  • Investigate New Scientist options (Poliakoff by 11-15)
  • Investigate Nature options through EU (Tundo by 11-15)
  • C&E News Inquiry (Breen)
  • ES&T inquiry (Tumas to Glaze)

4. Article on OECD conference results (and IUPAC Working group) for "Chemistry International" (P. Tundo)

5. Web Site: Working group page on IUPAC web site (Tundo, Breen, Miyamoto)

  • Tundo: offered Consortium help for putting up page (Breen assistance)
  • Breen: +hot links to working group members and other important sites-Green Chemistry Institute efforts already in this area should be a big help.
  • Miyamoto to contact Jost of IUPAC on web page.

Document for Commission: it is hoped that the above efforts (premised on the success of the proposal) will provide sufficient documented information to deliver to the IUPAC General Assembly at the August Berlin Meeting.

Draft (Ideas) for IUPAC White Paper-currently a matrix based on potential authors, potential areas and companies that might be invited to contribute-needs further work to homogenize into something more cogent.


A number of guidelines were discussed and agreed upon for the white book

  1. White book or symposium-in-print would be ok
  2. Blend of industrial and academic authors
  3. Each article an overview along with vision and cutting edge science
  4. Authors of scientific stature
  5. People excited by concept of green chemistry to share their excitement
  6. Introduction-overview (to follow outline from last meeting's minutes (Anastas)
  7. Conclusion: where field is going, where next steps may be, new concepts needed (IUPAC working group)

Companies, Working Group contact

Enichem, Tundo
Monsanto Tumas Rohm&Haas, Anastas
Laundry Industry, Collins
Textile Industry, Collins
Sumitomo, Miyamoto
Pulp and Paper, Collins
Interox, Martens
Refrigeration (Winterton or McCulloch, ICI, Collins-Poliakoff, AFIAS)


Life Cycle Analysis
Alternative Solvents
Liquid-SC CO2
Chemical processes
Fluorous bi-phasic systems
Ionic liquids
Acid-base catalysis (solid, etc.)
Design for environment in fine chemical synthesis
DfE for Oxidation chemistry
Process intensification
Energy alternatives
Toxics elimination-replacement
Heterogenization of Homogeneus catalysts

Page last modified 13 July 1999
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