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40th IUPAC COUNCIL Meeting
Berlin, Germany: 13-14
August 1999

Budget Proposal and National Subscriptions 2000-01

You will have seen from the report of the Treasurer and Finance Committee that the Union's financial position is a strong one and that the adverse circumstances in which we found ourselves in the few years following the stringent measures we were forced to take in 1991 at the Hamburg Assembly, are well behind us. There are three principal reasons for this, 1. The efforts that all have made to keep expense down; 2. Ensuring that national and other subscriptions have been kept in line with inflation and; 3. The success of our investment policies.

The OECD inflation figures for the last two years have been 4.3% and 3.7% respectively, an average of 4.0%. But since we are now in a strong position financially and have been generating good surpluses, and because all the last Council a number of NAOs told of the restricted allocations granted by their governments, an increase of only one percent in total national subscriptions is recommended for each of the years 2000 and 2001; it is felt that we should not fall back on the practice of freezing the level of subscriptions that led to the difficulties that it has taken so many years to overcome.

The subscriptions of individual NAOs will depend, as well, on any changes in chemical turnover that have taken place since the last Council meeting. In the past, the values of chemical turnover have been taken from the latest UNIDO figures (due to the time needed to collect the national figures these are always for about five years previously). The latest edition has many important gaps but the latest equivalent CEFIC figures are more complete. As a comparison between the two sets show little differences for individual countries it has been decided to use the more complete CEFIC figures and to fill in a few gaps with UNIDO figures.

Although only a one-percent increase in total national subscriptions is being recommended, the strength of the union's finances enables me to increase the biennial budgets of the Divisions and Standing Committees by five per cent. The 1998-99 budget for the Standing Committees contained a contingency sum but because there is a substantial operating reserve available for 2000-01, this was divided pro-rata between the Committees before adding the five-percent.

The Operating Reserve, some USD 274K for each year derives from the unallocated reserve held in the present biennium for expanded programmes and new projects by Divisions and Standing Committees. It is available again for the same purposes either directly or through the new Project Committee.

Thus, the Union now has ample funds to develop and expand its activities to meet the needs of the vigorous and expanding chemical community. We must not rest on our laurels and reduce our financial efforts but, rather, put them to maximum use.

JMW 99.06.04

> Budget Allocations to Divisions and Standing Committees 2000-01 (pdf file - xKB)
> IUPAC Budget 2000-01 (pdf file - xKB)
> Tentative National Subscriptions 2000-01 (pdf file - xKB)

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