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 News & Notices

Minutes of 40th IUPAC Council Meeting
13-14 August 1999, Berlin, Germany

15. Budget Proposal and National Subscriptions for 2000-1
The Treasurer reviewed the Proposed Budget (See Attachment 2- pdf file 329KB) for the biennium 2000-1 and the proposed National Subscription (see Attachment 3 - pdf file 10KB). He commented that investment earnings have been high, but a correction is expected. The Union's sound financial position is due to expense control, investment performance, and the regular increase of the National Subscription. It is important to maintain the principle of a regular increase in National Subscription to prevent the recurrence of the situation that led to the difficult financial situation of the early 1990s.

The Belgian delegation moved that the recommendation of the Treasurer to increase the National Subscription by 1% in 2000 and 2001 be accepted.

The Belgian delegation moved that the proposed budget for 2000-1 be approved.

The Delegate from the Czech Republic commented that the formula used to calculate individual National Subscriptions could be changed. The Executive Director described the origin of the formula and the considerations that had gone into its development. The French delegation stated that they were opposed to any increase in the National Subscription and noted that only one ICSU Union has a larger budget. The President noted that there is only one chemical Union in ICSU, while there are 14 biological Unions.

The Hungarian Delegate commented that the current National Subscriptions are not equitable and should be modified to decrease the burden on the smaller countries. The Italian Delegate commented that in many cases the national budgets for international scientific activities are fixed. The German Delegate commented that IUPAC should make its work more visible to the chemical industry.The Delegate from Argentina supported the increase in the National Subscription, but suggested that the formula used to calculate individual National Subscriptions be reexamined. The Delegate from Japan asked that in future the individual National Subscriptions not be changed after approval by the Council.

The motion to approve the proposed National Subscriptions for 2000 and 2001 was put to the vote. The results were: For: 85; Against: 18; Abstain: 26. The motion passed, having more than 50% of the votes cast.

The motion to approve the proposed Budget for 2000-1 was put to the vote. The results were: For: 85; Against: 18; Abstain 26. The motion passed, having more than 50% of the votes cast.

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