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Chemical Education International, Vol. 4, No. 1, AN-2, Received March 23, 2003


Arnon Shani
Department of Chemistry, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Be’er Sheva 84105, Israel

Students in high schools seem to lack some of the basic information that enable them to decide what to study in their last two to three years, in particular when dealing with chemistry. Moreover, when they consider further studies at university, they do not understand the differences between related subjects. They also lack information regarding future employment possibilities and the market place.

During many years I met with students and told them about chemistry as a profession and subject of studies. In this article I summarize these talks in a questions-and-answers structure. Among the major topics and questions are the following:

Answers to these questions are given in some detail.

Keywords: chemistry as a study topic; chemistry as a research topic; chemistry as a profession.


Students in high schools, when confronted with the dilemma what to study in their last two to three years, seem to lack some of the basic information, in particular when dealing with chemistry. Moreover, when they consider further studies at university, they do not understand the differences between related subjects, nor do they know what advantages they might gain when starting one subject and then switching to another, even to a remote one. They also lack information regarding future employment possibilities and the market.

For many years I have met with students in high schools in Israel, and explained why it is important to study chemistry, both at high school, and, more importantly, at university. In the following article I summarize information from three sources: a) my answers to commonly asked student questions (1); b) updates from chemistry teachers in Israel (2). c) An excellent book (3) on the future challenges of chemistry, which I highly recommend for both teachers and students. As I see the advantages and fruits of this article in high schools I have come to realize that chemistry teachers in other countries can utilize this article (or parts of it) for a discussion in the classroom and as an introduction to presenting chemistry as a profession.

Question: What are the subjects studied at university that are related to chemistry?

Answer: As we all know, our lives are a combination of chemical and physical processes, which the language of mathematics formulates into precise and accurate expressions. An educated person in any society should know three languages: his/her mother tongue, English as the international language (both for everyday life and as the scientific language) and mathematics.

As a "rule", chemistry is the science of materials, their formation, behavior, properties and application. Therefore, any subject that deals with materials, is based on or related to chemistry. Thus, in the natural sciences, the major topics of biology, ecology, agriculture, geology and earth sciences, and related subtopics are chemistry-based subjects. For example the life processes in our bodies, starting with the process of respiration, through eating and digesting, enzymatic processes, smelling and tasting, nerve transmission, hormone control of all body functions, all involve chemical messengers, even mood and feelings.

In the health sciences – medicine and pharmacological studies are based on chemical processes and interactions between the internal organs and "foreign invaders" or internal disorders (genetic diseases are also chemistry related).

In the engineering fields, first and foremost in chemical engineering. Other subjects are material sciences, nanotechnology, food and biotechnology, textiles, environmental engineering, nuclear engineering and electronics, including computers.

Even a remote subject such as archeology includes some chemistry: archeometry studies (among other things) the dating of organic remains by the 14C isotope decomposition, as well as the composition of dyes, metals, cleaning of coins, the preservation of paper and leather items, etc. Forensic studies include the most modern, sophisticated and sensitive instrumentation and techniques used in chemical laboratories in universities and in the chemical industry.

Q. What are the main topics in chemistry taught at university?

A. The classical division of chemistry into 4-5 basic branches still exists in the curriculum. Chemistry majors, as well as students in the above-related subjects, study general and analytical chemistry, then physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry and biochemistry. These subjects are taught at different levels and combinations according to the needs of the "customer" students. Thus, medical students are given more background in the bioorganic aspects of chemistry, while environmental engineering students are taught more analytical and physical chemistry.

Q. What are the major research fields in chemistry?

A. Chemistry, as mentioned above, is the science of materials. The chemists are the only ones trained to break and form chemical bonds. The chemists are the only people who can create new chemicals, new materials from different starting materials, and thus create new materials with new properties – this is the most important aspect of chemistry. Therefore, the research fields do not necessarily fall within the classically defined chemical topics, as they are taught in university classes.

Chemistry, beside the basic studies in the area, has become a bridge between life sciences and technology. One can find many chemists collaborating with

biologists, physicians, or pharmacologists, and at the same time it is common to see chemists join research groups dealing with composite materials, electrical devices and computer components.

Many new fields of research are combinations and overlapping of closely or distantly related fields, such as bioinorganic studies, surface chemistry, or photoelectrochemistry.

Organometallic chemistry and coordinate chemistry are a combination of organic and inorganic chemistry.

Catalysis is a hot field, both heterogenous and homogenous, mainly for industrial processes and production, as well as the specialty of biocatalysis, which is based on enzymes.

Polymers are a very active field, and makes up about 50% of the chemical industrial production and marketing. Polymers are divided into the groups: plastics, adhesives, sieves, elastics and coatings. They constitute almost every aspect of our lives.

Composite materials and organic metals are also studied, mainly for technological applications.

In analytical chemistry methods and instruments for detecting quantities smaller than10-12 g and times of less than 10-15 seconds are accessible (Femtochemistry).

Computational chemistry has proved itself, time and again, as a tool for predicting properties on one hand, and theoretical "approval" of experimental results on the other.

Genetic engineering is based on chemical entities, and biochemical studies of cancer require chemical knowledge.

An emerging field is nanochemistry, where atom or molecule sized devices (nanomaterials) are being sought for computers and other sophisticated applications. Another fast developing field is combinatorial chemistry, in which parallel screening of hundreds or thousands of samples are checked for different properties, either in pharmaceutical studies, for sensors or in genomic studies.

Chemoinformatics (the parallel of bioinformatics) is at the beginning of its establishment.

The chemistry of computers, namely, chips, is not emphasized enough. In fact, there would be no computing capabilities without the chemicals and the chemical processes involved.

The list is much longer, and the above-mentioned examples merely illustrate the wide range of research activities. The "classical" fields of organic synthesis, spectroscopy or electrochemistry, and many others, are still areas of active research.

Q. What are the differences between chemistry and closely related subjects, such as chemical engineering, material engineering, pharmacological studies, medicine and biomedical engineering?

A. I do not think that I have to explain here what is a chemist and what chemistry is about, rather I will concentrate on the other subjects. The most related subject to chemistry, and which causes a great deal of confusion among teachers and students is chemical engineering. To be accurate in my response I approached colleagues from our chemical engineering department and asked them to define, as they see it, the difference between a chemist and a chemical engineer. The responses were unanimous in the basic idea, that, a chemical engineer is, first of all, an engineer. In that, he/she is more of a mechanical engineer who works with chemicals. chemical engineering is the engineering part of the production processes in which chemical and physical changes take place. The chemical engineer deals with all aspects of the chemical industry from planning, designing, construction, operation, and control, as well as research and development, marketing and technical services for customers. Of course the chemical engineer should also be aware of the economic aspects of production.

Material engineering is a combination of engineering and physics, with the chemical aspects of properties and the behavior of materials under different conditions. It is important for the material engineer to understand the relationships between chemical composition and the mechanical-physical properties of a substance.

Pharmaceutics is the study of drugs, their preparation, understanding their mode of action, their stability in the laboratory and in the body, how they reach their target, and correct combination - in the case of using multiple drugs at one time. Since all drugs are chemicals, either natural or synthetic, pharmacists should have at least a basic knowledge of chemistry.

Medicine deals with the health of our bodies and souls. Health is based on proper and adequate chemical and physical processes in the body. Any change might cause a disease or chronic illness. Some of these diseases are the results of genetic "mistakes", namely, mutations in the genetic code, which are the result of changes in the heterocyclic units (nitrogen bases) in DNA and therefore "mistaken’ amino acids are introduced in the proteins produced. It is enough to mention the activity of enzymes, vitamins, hormones, and other chemical messengers, which are all active chemicals. This is the chemistry of the living organism. The problem with chemical studies in medical school is that medicine calls for memorizing huge amounts of information (even though the use of computers makes it is easier for physicians), so chemistry tends to be forgotten or neglected. The physician does not see the immediate and direct connection between chemistry in the body and health. In everyday life, the diagnosis of a disease is the most important act of the physician. Therefore, chemistry is thought of as an unimportant subject by many physicians.

Biomedical engineering has two aspects: i) the medical-biological – the study of mode of action of different organs in the body and developing physical-mathematical models to explain their action; ii) the engineering – the construction of artificial organs or devices to assist the handicapped. The chemistry needed is that of an

engineer or a medical student, depending on the direction of expertise asked for.

Q. What is the role of chemistry in other subjects?

A. As illustrated above, the level and the time allocated to chemical studies differ according to the needs and expectations of the "customer". In fact this is the "struggle" between the available and the essential. In principle, the more chemistry given and absorbed the better the understanding and utilization. In general, the basic chapters and courses in general chemistry (atomic structure, the periodic table, chemical bonds, acids and bases and other fundamental concepts in chemistry), physical chemistry and organic chemistry are given, and the time allocated is 5-10% of the total hours of the discipline. These courses are usually offered during the first and second years of study.

Q. What types of occupations are there for chemists after university, and what level of study is recommended for better employment?

A. This is a composite question and it is better to divide it into two parts: The level (B.Sc., M.Sc. or Ph.D), and the area. In general, the higher the degree, the more interesting and challenging the occupation. However, sometimes there may be a problem of being "over-qualified", namely, the task at work does not demand the high qualification acquired. As a thumb of rule, a B.Sc. is suitable for a technician, who runs simple operations or routine measurements on instruments, mainly at the analytical laboratory, or quality control. A M.Sc. with some research experience has a better preparation for research and development laboratories and other functions. This is also a better degree for high school teachers, as the curriculum nowadays requires more of a "research" approach in high schools, even at the elementary level. A Ph.D. is the highest degree and it opens the way to research and development laboratories, heading research groups, developing new processes, products and applications, and other high level leading jobs. But one should not forget: personal abilities and potential, creativity and fresh ideas are the most important and crucial feature for advancing up the ladder of rank and responsibility. To summarize, the qualities that are expected from a chemistry graduate, at all levels, are creativity (if possible originality), ability to work in a team and in collaboration, flexibility and adaptability, to be open minded, to exchange ideas, and to be able to express him/herself both in oral and written presentations in clear and accurate language.

Now, as for the type of occupation: it spreads over a wide range of activities. It is well known that at least half of the chemists do not work in the laboratory, or do not handle chemicals. I shall deal with this group later.

The "natural" places for chemists are both in academia as faculty members, and in the chemical industry. In the latter case they work in research-and-development laboratories at all levels of expertise. They populate the analytical and quality control facilities, in pilot plants and even on the production line, in particular in trouble shooting units. Safety and environmental units are obvious sites for chemists. All these are typical chemical occupations. A short list of chemical and related industries will illustrate the wide range of optional occupation: Basic chemicals (both organic and inorganic), polymers, fine chemicals, pharmaceuticals, paints, modern textiles, fertilizers, pesticides, biotechnology, ceramics, composite materials, and others.

Other fields are environmental and ecological issues, now of great concern, and chemists are the obvious people to enter this arena. Personal care products as well as detergents find a very important role in our every day lives, and chemists are the best scientists to be involved in such fields. The food industry (flavors and fragrances, food dyes, antioxidants) gets more attention because of health problems associated with diet, and chemists are the experts, who understand and can bring new ideas to the field. Forensic chemistry is very active and has a great effect in the fight against crime at all levels.

It is important and interesting to note the shifts in the occupational trends of chemists in the developed chemical industry. Recently the trend has been for more and more chemists to move to the "Bio" related industries. The percentage of chemists (among the American Chemical Society members) at the basic chemistry lines, such as petrochemicals, polymers and minerals has dropped from 72% in 1980 to less than 50% in 1995; while in medical, biochemical and biotechnological oriented industries the percentage has risen from 16% in 1980 to 30% in 1995.

As mentioned above, many of the chemists, not in the academia, are away from the laboratories. They are found in all sectors where chemical education and knowledge is important. The first and most important sector is high school teaching. There is no need to discuss this issue in this journal. Chemists find interesting jobs in patent offices, protecting industrial knowledge, intellectual property and the rights of inventors; as well as in data collection and chemical information services. One can find chemists in management, in marketing, sales and purchasing. They are better prepared for their jobs by acquiring an additional or advanced degree in economics or related subjects. It is interesting to note that scientists in general, and chemists, in particular, are active in scientific writing, in daily newspapers and popular magazines. These are the experts who can "translate" the scientific news and information into the everyday language, so that people with high school level science can understand and follow. Others are found in scientific editing, translations, and public relationships. In many of these types of occupation a further education is crucial. Therefore, the first or second degree in chemistry, followed by the second or third degree in another subject (law, economics, engineering, business administration, library and archive management, journalism, and many others) is the best way to get an interesting and challenging job, which may give the most satisfaction. It is most important to find an occupation that suits you best, as a person is miserable if he/she begins his/her day looking forward to the end of it…

Literature Cited
1. Shani, A. Ha’kesher Ha’chimi (The Chemical Bond), 1984, Issue 25, 21-24 (In Hebrew).
2. Landa, Z.; Plavner, Y.; Bard, R.; Greenstein, F. Kesher La’Ta’asia Hachimit (Bond to the Chemical Industry), 1998, Issue 4, 13-17 (In Hebrew).
3. Breslow, R. Chemistry Today and Tomorrow, ACS, Washington, DC, 1997.
Some leading references:
Employment outlook 2001, C&EN, Nov. 13, 2000, pp 37-70.
Employment outlook 2000, C&EN, Nov. 15, 1999, pp 37-74.
Employment outlook 1999, C&EN, Nov. 2, 1998, pp 29-59.
Nanotechnology, A Special Report, C&EN, Oct. 16, 2000, pp 27-43.
Proteomics, C&EN, July 31, 2000, pp 31-37.
Chemistry in the service of humanity, Millennium Special Report, C&EN, Dec. 6, 1999, pp43-134.
Combinatorial Chemistry, A Special Report, C&EN, May 15, 2000, pp 53-68.
Michael McCoy, Completing the Circuit, C&EN, Nov. 29, 2000, pp 17-24.
David Bradley, What memories are made of, Chem. in Brit., March 2001, pp 28-33.
Karen J. Watkins, Cheminformatics, C&EN, Feb. 19, 2001, p 34.


Last modified 29.07.04

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